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Boat Services

  • Crane. Waiting quay. Ramp
  •  Fuel 6.00am. to 9.00pm. Ice
  • Dry dock for 211 boats up to 8 metres long
  • Western Basin esplanade for overwintering and display, up to 25 metres
  • Mechanical and electrical repair workshop. Painting. P.R.F.V.
  • Carpentry. Electronics. Ironwork
  • 24- hour monitored surveillance
  • Slipway and 75- tonne gantry crane
  • Lockers
  • Dry dock  (with trailer) in 3 areas: Ribera Pier  area, under Sant Lluc Brigde anb Lime Pier
  • Water service from turret with targeta purse

General user services

  • Harbourmaster: Port management
  • Tourist and weather Information 
  • Communications : telephone, fax, internet, radio VHF, wi-fi 
  • Sailing school and nautical sports
  • Academy of nautical qualifications
  • Ramp
  • Medical attention
  • Showers and WC
  • Laundry
  • Cafes and bar. Refreshments
  • Mailing
  • Car Park
  • Tourist activities
  • Boat charter
  • News Shops, Refreshments and Hotel (under construction) 
  • Nautical shops
  • Boat sales and hire
  • Good communications: bus on the site, connections to train, metro and tram, putting Barcelona airport 20 minutes away. Access to roads such as the ring roads and the C-31 and B-20.

Services at the mooring

  • Water and electricity at the mooring
  • Radio. Telephone
  • Restricted access to pontoons

Environmental Services

  • Fuel and oil collection
  • Selective glass, paper and cardboard collection
  • Bilge collection
  • Clean point