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A port serving Badalona

Welcome to this virtual window on Badalona Marina and Fishing Port. A great new port for the city; for the seagoing side of Badalona.

Step by step, Badalona is managing to rub out the grey line historically separating the coast and the city sketched out by Carrer de la Indústria. Industrial Badalona, with its back turned to the sea, is being surpassed by a new environment, by an ambitious scheme which is already becoming a tangible reality.

The metropolitan area has been recovering its sea front and promoting the use of the beach as the principal public leisure area. In this context, Badalona’s port and beach are becoming increasingly attractive natural and leisure areas. The initiative means prioritising an effective sewerage network and the recovery and environmental improvement of this large area, among other investments. A key action for the urban renewal of this site, which is becoming a central node of modern Badalona.

The transformation of the seafront has led us to the port and to the new Rambla del Gorg, and to new roads, with wide pavements. The scheme is a single whole and its integrating dimension is destined to make it a magnificent urban port in a city with a seagoing tradition and identity. It has many points of attraction and services, such as the new market for traditionally caught fish and the municipal sailing school, and a wide and diversified range of services for families who enjoy water sports. But it is also for those who just like going for a walk or a cycle ride in a pleasant environment.

We invites you to enjoy it. We have a quality range for all tastes at a facility which, between us, we are all making possible.




