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March 2025
10º Anniversary of Badalona Port
Monday, 11th of May, 2015
Activities :
North Dock
Center Stage
11:00h Welcome to the Anniversary Party of the Port of Badalona
Show of Los Cacholos Voladores
11:30h Entertainment for family by Cia +Tumacat Festa!
12:30h Sea Parade
12:45h 10th Anniversary of the Port of Badalona
13:15h Entertainment for family by Cia + Tumacat Fiesta! and Los Cacholos Voladores
14:00h - 16:00h Lunch at the restaurants of Badalona Port with discounts and special menus 10 Years
16:00h Welcome to the Anniversary party of Badalona Port
16:30h Show by Professor Karoli (comedian)
17: 30h Sea Parade and Los Cacholos Voladores
18: 00h Havana Concert by Son de l'Havana
20: 00h End Party

Captaincy Dock
Scenario Quetx
11:00h Stories of the Sea by Catxum, el pirata
11:30h Storytelling with Gisela Llimona
12:00h Children's entertainment with Jaume Barri
12:30h Show by Professor Karoli (comic)
13:00h Storytelling with Gisela Llimona
13:30h Children's entertainment with Jaume Barri
14:00h Lunch at the restaurants of Puerto de Badalona with discounts and special menus 10 Years
16:00h Stories of the sea by Catxum, el pirata
16:00h Children's entertainment with Jaume Barri
17:00h Storytelling with Gisela Llimona
17:30h Stories of the sea by Catxum, el piratae
18:00h Children's entertainment with Jaume Barri
18:30h Storytelling with Gisela Llimona
19:00 Stories of the Sea by Catxum, the pirate  

  Avenue workshops
11: 00h to 14: 00h and 16: 00h to 19: 00h Workshops circus workshop sailboats and catamarans, makeup workshop and workshop sheets.

Captaincy Dock
Water activities

Tasting rowing, sailing, kayaking.

Special prices for jet skis

Fishing show

* Inflatable
* Train between Bridge Petroleum Badalona and Port
* Special menus in the restaurants of Puerto de Badalona
* Market Sailor: craft and food products
* Dream Market: art, fashion and design mobile catering (food trucks)
Organised by : Marina Badalona
Collaboration from : Ajuntament de Badalona
Entries in advance : Free activities